Saturday 21 March 2020

Big Drops in Mortgage Rates

Here is the latest news: On Friday the Bank of Canada made an emergency rate cut and most of the big banks passed along the full 50 bps of rate cut on Monday.

  • The country’s prime is now 2.95 per cent and variable rate mortgages are as low as 1.95%.
  • Floating mortgage rates and lines of credit moved from 3.45% to 2.95%.
  • The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) has announced the April 6 mortgage stress test improvements has been suspended indefinitely.
  • Banks and mortgage lenders are offering mortgage payment deferrals of up to six months.
  • Ottawa is planning to purchase up to $50 billion in mortgages.
  • Canadian dollar falls sharply against US dollar. It is currently at $0.69 CAD per $1 USD.
  • Personal income tax deadline extended to June 1st.
  • Real estate supply remains constrained and as of February’s reporting by the Canada Real Estate Association, prices and the number of sales have trended higher.

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