Friday 7 June 2019

Canadian Housing’s Soft Landing

Some economists say Canada's housing market may now have hit bottom after the slowdown engineered by policy makers. Many believe these policies appear to have done the trick, with a soft landing rather than a crash.

The latest Canadian Real Estate Association report shows sales on the upswing in April for a second consecutive month.
Royal Bank of Canada senior economist Robert Hogue said, "The 3.6-per-cent month-over-month advance isn’t an ‘all-clear’ signal for the market but strongly suggests that the cyclical bottom has been reached.”

So, what comes next?
This is the stated opinion of Andres Carbacho-Burgos, lead housing economist at Moody's Analytics, which is the sister company of the credit rating agency: "With the direct and indirect effects of monetary tightening, house price appreciation will slow down in 2020, turn briefly negative in 2021, and only recover in the following years.”


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