Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Are you Moving to Victoria?

Congratulations. You’ve picked one of the world’s loveliest cities! As you get ready for your move, here are four tips to keep in mind that will help you ensure you have a safe and enjoyable move:

Move Less Stuff.

Now is the time to divest yourself of unnecessary stuff. Moving it can be exhausting. You will quickly find you have more than you imagine, so get rid of everything you don’t need; do a garage sale, advertise on Craigslist, or just give that stuff you don’t need to someone that does. Old computer monitors, CDs, cracked plastic kids swimming pools and two of the three lawn mowers in your shed can safely be disposed of. Less junk equals easier move

Pack up One Room at a Time.

If feels amazing to finish a room, then close the bedroom door knowing that all your belongings in that room are carefully packed and ready to go. Make sure you keep a working suitcase with all the necessary items you need during the move. Bonus tip: Save the kitchen for last so you don’t end up eating fast food the entire trip.

Hire Professionals. It’s Worth the Money.
Professionals have the right tools and equipment for the job, and while you can help, you can leave the heavy stuff to them. They know how to properly load a semi-trailer and they are far less likely than you to have a mishap with a truck you’re unfamiliar with. Some companies use a container which gets delivered to your driveway, then delivered to your new residence where you can unpack at your leisure.

Plan a Moving/Goodbye Party.

If you decide to do the move yourselves, keep in mind moving is exhausting work, and many people hurt their backs because they didn’t get enough help. Even if you’re physically fit, pulling your 150-pound freezer up the stairs will be difficult. Get your friends over to help but make it fun. And make sure everyone lifts with their legs and stays safe. You don’t want the last memory they associate to you to be their strained hamstring.

Once you arrive in Victoria, if you are renting to start and looking for a place to purchase, please do give me a call. I know the city well and can help you find what you are looking for.

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